Challenges I have attemped.

I believe in living and promoting an active healthy life style. I do this by pushing myself with physical challeneges to help stay focused and become the best version of myself. I outline major milestones and challenges below, both failures and successes.


  • Unassisted SB Marathon

    26.2 through Santa Barbara,

    December - Completed

  • Montecito to UCSB Ultra

    Run a 30+ mile loop through Santa Barbara

    November - Completed
    May - 21 miles (Injured)

  • 4x4x48

    Run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours. A total of 48 miles in 48 hours.
    Organized by David Goggins.

    March - Completed


  • California International Marathon

    Run 26.2 miles in Sacramneto, California.

    December - Completed